Musculoskeletal Support with Herbs
The intricate network of muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia are a part of the musculoskeletal system. Their function is to support bones and joints and provide stability and movement in the body. Factors such as stress, physical activities, illness, injury, genetics, and aging can contribute to diminished joint function and reduced mobility. Sometimes our joints don't work as fluidly as they once did or we want them to, and we feel it.
I'm 73 and I work daily on being strong and mobile. As an herbalist, I know I can turn to the plants for support. In this post you’ll find several new formulas specifically designed to support the musculoskeletal system at any age.
Supporting Healthy Joints with Herbs
When the joints are challenged, the body responds with inflammation. Bone broth, collagen supplements, glucosamine, MSM and chondroitin are all supports for joint repair. We can protectively stem the inflammation that arises with use and overuse and of course, herbs can help. We have several formulas new and old that were created to support the musculoskeletal system.
Inflam Support- Herbal Formula
Inflam Support utilizes the power of herbal anti-inflammatories Turmeric and Ginger, cleansing and mineral-rich Nettles, inflammation-reducing Yucca, free radical-fighting Burdock, Meadowsweet with pain relieving salicin, and calming, flavonoid rich Celery Seed. Together, these herbs work synergistically to prevent and calm inflammation in the body, helping to clear, cool, soothe, and nourish tissues. Useful in cases of overuse, underuse, injury and age related changes.
Herbs for Collagen and Connective Tissue Support
Collagen is a type of fibrous protein, found abundantly throughout the body. It is a main component of connective tissue, supporting the strength and flexibility of the system.
Single Herbs
Gotu Kola is a favorite for supporting collagen production. This winter I brought a mat of Gotu Kola plants from the greenhouse into my home so I can pick a few leaves and eat them as I walk by everyday. We have tinctured this same fresh Gotu Kola in its warm weather vibrancy, so we can use it all year in our formulas.
Solomon’s Seal is my other favorite plant for supporting connective tissue, it is greatly moistening as well as strengthening and soothing to inflamed muscles, tendons and ligaments. It is valued in many cultures as a healer and named after King Solomon famed for is wisdom and healing powers
Herbal Formulas
Muscle and Joint Support Formula: This formula is a tonic designed for extended use. Whether you're physically active in your work or hobbies or seeking increased flexibility and mobility with age, this formula provides valuable support.
Our Muscle and Joint Support Formula combines the following herbs:
Gotu Kola (collagen support)
Solomon’s Seal (supporting connective tissue and soothing inflammation)
Stephania (eases stiffness)
Devils Claw (lessens inflammation)
Crampbark (relaxes muscles)
Teasel (promotes healthy and mobile joints)
Ginger (anti inflammatory)
Muscle Ease Formula: This is the formula to reach for after tasks like wood stacking, running a race, babysitting a two-year-old all day, pushing yourself at the gym, or cleaning your entire house – you get the picture. Ideal for those moments when you've pushed your body a bit too far or just navigating life in an aging body, this formula is designed to improve flexibility and mobility and to soften muscles and tendons so that they can be both more relaxed and responsive. Using a magnesium cream or supplement can also be helpful for some people in conjunction with this formula.
Used before and or after activity more strenuous than usual, Muscle Ease is crafted with:
St. John's Wort (nourishes nerve tissue)
Valerian (relaxes muscles)
Crampbark (relaxes muscles, especially if they tend to spasm easily)
Willow (anti-inflammatory salicin and flavonoids)
Corydalis (eases discomfort)
Lobelia (circulatory stimulant)
External Applications
External applications can also be effective in soothing overworked or sore muscles and joints. A Ginger compress or soak can also be both soothing and invigorating and is very simple to prepare. Grate ginger into hot water, let it steep for ten minutes, strain the liquid, soak a washcloth in the hot ginger infusion and then apply the cloth as a compress to the affected area. This is a wonderful deeply penetrating compress for a sore back or pulled muscle.
For swelling, scar tissue, or stagnation from injury, try our Poke Castor Oil or Poke Castor Salve into the affected area and apply a heating pad, hot water bottle or heat pack.
Embracing Nervines for Relaxation
The nervous system is foundational to the working of all bodily systems and the brain. If we can relax, we will have greater available energy with which to grow and heal. Nervines can play a crucial supporting role.
St. Johnswort, Skullcap, Oats, Lemon Balm, Passionflower, Damiana, California Poppy, and Reishi are among the tried and true allies of the nervous system. Some nervine herbs, like Valerian and Kava Kava, offer dual benefits by relaxing both muscles and the mind.
Our herbal allies are always available to help us become the best and happiest versions of ourselves.