Custom herbal compounding for practitioners and their clients.
Browse our full collection of over 150 organically grown or wildcrafted extracts here
Blue Crow Botanicals Custom Pharmacy
Clients- Order a Custom Formula
*Formulas are confidentially retained for easy ordering
*Submit each unique formula only once
Practitioners - Submit Client Formulas (Below)
Please include details of your formulation in milliliters.
Formula Submission

Words from Our Practitioner Partners.
“As a busy practitioner, my partnership with Blue Crow has been essential for me to continue providing high-quality, individualized medicine to my patients. My patients love hearing about the quality and attention put into every step of the journey of their medicine from ground to bottle.”
Kai Morrison, ND
"Working with Blue Crow Botanicals over the past 3 years has brought so much ease to my clinical practice. They make high quality liquid herbal extracts and have a well-organized system in place for both practitioners sending in formulas and clients in need of refills.
I highly recommend working with them if you're a practitioner who'd like to take the responsibility of stocking your own apothecary off your plate and collaborate with an herbal company you can trust."
Jade Alicandro, Clinical Herbalist
“Blue Crow Botanicals’ medicine is so valuable to our clinic’s practice. The formulas are made to comply with GMP manufacturing standards, which is incredibly impressive for a small operation. Our clients have expressed that they can really feel the potency of the medicine.
When our practitioners prescribe a custom formula, Blue Crow always makes the ordering process simple, and we know the medicine will be made with care to the client’s exact needs.”
Aliana Bloch, Apothecary Manager
"I have deep appreciation and respect for Bonnie Bloom’s work as an herbalist. Her knowledge and passion for plants is inspiring and can be felt throughout the Blue Crow catalog of herbal formulas. Since 2010, I have seen excellent results when utilizing what I consider Blue Crow Botanicals' essential formulas: Adrenal Support, People Calmer, Cough Ease, Menopause Balance and Liver Support.
As a naturopathic physician, trusting Blue Crow Botanicals to follow Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in creating high quality herbal formulas for my patients is of utmost importance to me. Furthermore, it has been an honor to work with Bonnie in creating many of the formulas I recommend everyday to my patients with Lyme and tick-borne disease."